Oral Surgery
Modern dentistry aims at maintaining the teeth healthy, without the need to use the oral surgery. Nevertheless, in most cases, these are several dental problems that require immediate surgery.
The team of dentists that welcome you ate Corina Dent dental clinic perform the following surgery procedures, with maximum hygiene and safety:
- dental extractions
- periapical curettage;
- apical resections;
- included teeth odontectomy;
- gingivectomy and gingivoalveoloplasty;
- operculectomies;
We also include here the solving of some cases, such as:
- maxillary cysts;
- apical granuloma;
- impacted and half-impacted wisdom teeth;
- included canines;
- dental extractions;
- periosseous abscesses incision with dental starting point;
- periodontal surgery;
- bones augmentations;
- internal and external sinus lifting;
- diagnosis of malignant tumours;
- insertion of dental implants;
- surgical preprosthetic treatment in order to perform some dental works;